Okay, yes, I’m fully aware of my LuLaLove. Pretty sure I’ve got a fan club badge around here somewhere. Oh wait. I’m wearing it.
I was chatting with Totally The Bomb’s writer Mary the other day, recounting some of the absurd questions people have asked me since I dove into this crazy pool and she was all, “you have to write a blog post!” So here’s to all the weird question’s y’all have asked!
Can I Touch You? And Other Odd Questions Only Another LuLaRoe Addict Will Understand.
So here it is.
A bunch of random questions people have asked me…
Can I buy those off you?
This question might not seem all that odd until I tell you this conversation happened at the top of a mountain in Moab, Utah. I was wearing pixilated unicorn (literally unicorns) leggings and attached to a zip line about to plunge about 300 feet to my death-er-adventure of a lifetime. The person wanting to buy them off me? A 20’something, super masculine guy who couldn’t get over the fact that I had unicorns on my legs. He wanted them to go rock climbing in. And no, I didn’t sell him the pants I was wearing, lol.
Can…I touch your leg?
I probably get asked this in the grocery store like once a month or so. It used to be every week, but I think everyone in my part of the city has felt up my legs. The rules are from the mid-thigh to mid-calf is okay. Any higher isn’t yours, and any lower needs some explanation!
Babe, touch her butt!
Okay, this one was a friend of mine who was obsessed with the luxurious feel of my Ana maxi dress. it really did feel awesome. Thankfully, her husband is a smart man and patted my shoulder.
Does…that even match?
Look, here’s the thing, matching is all in the eye of the beholder. Me? I like red and pink together. Black and brown is totally fine. So yes, I mix some c-r-a-z-y colors! And that’s perfectly okay.
Do you have a mirror?
Okay, seriously, yeah, I do. Here’s the thing, a lot of people these days have a weird sense of entitlement about what people can or can’t wear, and their ability to act as the fashion police. My reply to this is often not all that polite, because really I don’t have time for that nonsense. a) I have manners. b) I look awesome.
I could never wear that…could I?
Yes, yes you can. here’s the thing I love and will continue to love about my LulaCult. You can do whatever you want. Seriously. The clothes are comfy. There are no rules. You can totally wear it if you want it.
Do those come in…big girl sizes?
Um, I think you mean size AWESOME! And yes, they totally do.
Here’s the thing I keep saying about LuLaRoe. It’s not just clothes, it’s like…confidence you put on first thing in the morning. I have no problems talking about my clothes. They’re comfy. They’re awesome. I feel great. I look great. And I will always let you feel my knee (but only below mid-thigh and only above-mid calf).